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Roorkee Dental Implant Centre
New Railway Road, Ganeshpur, Roorkee –
247667, Uttarakhand, India
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Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India
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CBCT for Dental Diagnosis

Home Service CBCT for Dental Diagnosis

Dental implants can support whole removable or permanent dentures as well as replace one or more missing teeth. For a completely new grin, implants are a permanent, powerful option that looks and feels completely natural.

Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)

In the course of receiving complete orthodontic care, imaging of the dentofacial structures is a crucial diagnostic tool. The first person to evaluate the dentofacial structures in three dimensions (3D) was Broadbent in 1931. He did this by using two photographs that were obtained in the sagittal (left to right) and (back to front) frontal views. Sir Godfrey Hounsfield created computed tomography (CT) in the early 1970s as a result of subsequent developments in radiological technology, ushering in the genuine era of three-dimensional imaging. Computer-aided compilation of these 2D picture slices into genuine 3D images, which are striking and colourful, is a feature of modern medical grade CT scans.

Cone Beam Computed Tomography is a new 3D imaging format that has arisen in the previous 25 years (CBCT). A cone beam is rotated 360 degrees to capture CBCT images, which are then reconstructed using the Feldkamp method to create 3D images. The effective radiation dose of CBCT is much lower than that of conventional medical CT scans (about 150 to 200 times less radiation).

Our dental office in Roorkee is equipped with a cutting-edge CBCT machine. With one of the lowest radiation outputs and significantly less radiation than an orthodontic standard sequence of lateral ceph, Ranorex, full-mouth periapical, and bitewings, the NewTom VGI-Evo produces clear, diagnostic 2D and 3D pictures from a single scan. Additionally, we can localise and reduce the radiation dose with proper calibration, choose the right field of view, and recommend an even lower diagnostic radiation dosage suitable for the patient's age and size. Our radiation exposure during the EcoScan can be cut by up to 40% compared to the conventional scan.To reduce radiation exposure, we adhere to the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) norm and offer our patients lead-free protective clothing to shield them from any unwelcome radiation during the exposure period.

CBCT imaging allows us a more conservative and comprehensive view of the dentofacial structures, including the soft tissue structures that were previously difficult or impossible to evaluate. Some common applications of this new technology are listed below:

  • Analyze the airway that may indicate the possibility of sleep apnea.
  • Able to detect patterns and rates of facial growth, including any subtle asymmetry.
  • Detect abnormalities, e.g. supernumerary teeth, impacted third molars (wisdom teeth), missing teeth, abnormal eruption path and primary failure of eruption.
  • Visualize unparalleled imagery of the entire dentofacial and soft tissue simultaneously.
  • Determine the bone housing levels associated with gum problems (periodontitis).
  • Asses damage to traumatized bone or teeth, e.g., root fracture.
  • Evaluate the extent of periapical lesions associated with a root canal (endodontics).
  • Review the paranasal sinuses clearly, e.g., mucocele.
  • Assess the quality and site of bone structure for future dental implants.
  • Determine the maturation and growth potential of the dentofacial structures.
  • Precisely determine the root positioning to allow accurate orthodontic correction.

Together with the 3D interactive images from the Invisalign® iTero®, CBCT scans give orthodontists all the tools they need to accurately, correctly, and confidently evaluate and treat any malocclusion that a patient of any age may come with. In dentistry, CBCT imaging has brought about a new revolution, particularly in orthodontics, where it has improved treatment outcomes.

We welcome you to contact our office at +91 9897583788 today to learn more about CBCT imaging in Roorkee and book an appointment with our Pedodontics, Dr Pradeep Rastogi.