+91 9897583788


Amazing doctors and advanced proven technology will keep your smile looking great!

We are passionate about smiles and having the latest technology is one step we can take to help save yours! Cosmetic dentistry refers to the most suitable dental treatments that based on patient’s current teeth or gums condition, concerns, desired outcomes and budget.

Latest Blog Posts

written by our wonderful doctors

What Are the 3 Types of Dental Implants?

For a variety of patients, dental implants are a fantastic therapy choice. Dental implants will be one of the potential solutions you discuss with...

What Is Root Canal Therapy?

Endodontic therapy, commonly referred to as root canal therapy, is a secure dental procedure where the pulp, the soft part of the tooth that...

Why Should You Make a Dental Checkup Appointment?

To make sure they are promoting good dental health, patients should make routine appointments with the Rdic dentist. Professional examinations and cleanings will guarantee...

Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment

The most common and efficient treatment for damaged, diseased, and decaying teeth is single-sitting RCT. Patients won't experience any agony or hassles because it's...

What Is Cosmetic Dentistry and How Can it Benefit Your Oral Health?

Each patient's ideal smile is created through cosmetic dentistry using a combination of medical science and artistry. While cosmetic dentistry in your area primarily...

What Can You Do to Promote Good Dental Health

Because infectious diseases are frequently transmitted via touch, hand hygiene is an important first line of defense against the spread of infections in dental...

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