A better life starts with a beautiful smile...

Opening Hours: 10:00am – 2:00pm, 5:00pm – 7:30pm, Saturday Closed

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Roorkee Dental Implant Centre
New Railway Road, Ganeshpur, Roorkee –
247667, Uttarakhand, India
Near 151C, mod,opposite Burger King,
near le grand hotel, Devpura, Ranipur,
Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India
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+91 9897583788
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Often times patients put off going to the dentist, not because of busy schedules or forgetting, but because of nerves when visiting the dentist. Fortunately, dentists have learned a number of ways to relax patients. Many people are aware of anesthesia and maybe even know it is commonly used in dentistry. However, this is often confused with IV sedation, a different method of relaxation for patients.

IV Sedation

IV Sedation is a sedative that is administered through the vein. It is much easier to adjust the dosage for the patient throughout the procedure, allowing the dentist to have more control over your alertness. Patients who receive IV sedation in Winnipeg often time’s will leave our office with little to no memory of the treatment, despite being able to communicate while the procedure takes place.

  • Effective and efficient sedation.
  • The patient is able to recover quickly from the effects.
  • Can assist patients dealing with extreme anxiety by offering a higher dosage.
  • Patients often experience amnesia, allowing them to freely forget about the treatment and feel more comfortable about the procedure afterward.
  • Reduced gag reflex, making it easier for the dentist to operate.
  • Often times the dentist does not wish to knock out the patient completely. With IV, the patient can continue to communicate with their dentist while feeling relaxed.

Interested in General Anesthesia in RDIC?

General anesthesia is suggested for more serious or rare cases because it uses a combination of classes and IV sedation to make sure the patient is completely unconscious. The patient receiving general anesthesia in Winnipeg will essentially be asleep and not able to communicate with their dentist. This is not preferred due to the increased risk of complications, but there are some situations where it is considered necessary.

Some cases where general anesthesia can be needed include:

  • When the patient has a high tolerance to medications and general relaxation techniques do not provide sufficient support to the patient.
  • While it is rare, some patients are still not able to relax enough under traditional relaxation methods.
  • Dental procedures that can potentially be traumatic for the patient, such as the removal of teeth or invasive procedures.