A better life starts with a beautiful smile...

Opening Hours: 10:00am – 2:00pm, 5:00pm – 7:30pm, Saturday Closed

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Roorkee Dental Implant Centre
New Railway Road, Ganeshpur, Roorkee –
247667, Uttarakhand, India
Near 151C, mod,opposite Burger King,
near le grand hotel, Devpura, Ranipur,
Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India
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+91 9897583788
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Home Service Invisalign

Dental implants can support whole removable or permanent dentures as well as replace one or more missing teeth. For a completely new grin, implants are a permanent, powerful option that looks and feels completely natural.


When you learn that you require therapy for your teeth alignment, several questions may arise. How will it impact your employment, your diet, and your participation in sports? Thankfully, there are alternatives available today for people looking for a more discrete solution to straighten their mouth than traditional braces, such Invisalign.

What is Invisalign?

You may straighten your teeth with Invisalign without the inconvenience of conventional braces. With Invisalign, you first visit your Winnipeg dentist, who will use a 3D scan of your teeth to build a series of tray aligners. Using clear mouth guards customised for your teeth, these aligners will gently press your teeth into the proper alignment.

The Positives and Negatives of Invisalign


Align at Home-If you choose to use traditional braces, you would have to visit the orthodontist on a regular basis to have your braces adjusted and checked. When you straighten your teeth using Invisalign, your dentist will provide you with a single set of at-home trays that you can use to tighten your teeth. Even while you will still require a few trips to the dentist, the number will be far less.

No Need to Change Your Diet or Oral Hygiene- When using Invisalign trays, you can take them out to eat, drink, or thoroughly brush your teeth. This makes maintaining the health of your teeth throughout therapy much simpler.

Clear Appearance – Clear aligners are probably one of Invisalign's biggest advantages. Until everything is finished, it will be quite difficult for anyone to tell that you have been straightening your teeth. Having traditional braces can cause anxiety when participating in your favourite sport. Will a mouthpiece suffice? What occurs if a wire becomes unfastened? You won't have to be concerned about any of these problems if you use Invisalign. You won't need to worry about damaging your aligners during tough activities because a mouthguard will do.


Too Easy to Remove- When you have traditional braces put in place, there is no opportunity to have them removed for food, a break, or cleaning. They will constantly be straightening. With Invisalign, it can be very easy to remove the aligners for a break from any throbbing or to forget to put them back in after eating.

Contact your Roorkee dental clinic to see if Invisalign is a good option for your lifestyle.