A better life starts with a beautiful smile...

Opening Hours: 10:00am – 2:00pm, 5:00pm – 7:30pm, Saturday Closed

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Roorkee Dental Implant Centre
New Railway Road, Ganeshpur, Roorkee –
247667, Uttarakhand, India
Near 151C, mod,opposite Burger King,
near le grand hotel, Devpura, Ranipur,
Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India
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Kids Dentistry

Home Service Kids Dentistry

Dental implants can support whole removable or permanent dentures as well as replace one or more missing teeth. For a completely new grin, implants are a permanent, powerful option that looks and feels completely natural.

Kids Dentistry

Baby teeth are crucial for your child's overall health, growth, and happiness. They are crucial to a child's future well-being.

Baby teeth are nonetheless vitally necessary even though they eventually fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth.

The health and development of your child depend greatly on their baby teeth. They assist kids in speaking well, smiling, and chewing properly. They also aid in the proper muscular development and hold room in the jaws for permanent teeth to erupt underneath them and into their proper places.

However, teeth truly start to erupt through the gums between the ages of 6 months and one year after birth. Baby teeth start to form behind the gums during the second trimester of pregnancy.

When a baby tooth is lost too soon, neighbouring teeth could occlude the opening and prevent the eruption of a permanent tooth. This may result in crowded or crooked teeth.

Like adult teeth, baby teeth are susceptible to cavities. Without sufficient protection, decay can swiftly spread and cause discomfort, infection, or abscess once it has begun. Due to the immaturity of children's immune systems, this can be very hazardous to them.

Your dentist will advise placing a space maintainer if a tooth becomes infected and needs to be pulled because the guidance to hold the space for a permanent successor (baby tooth) is gone. If room is not protected, extra teeth may erupt and cause crowding that is challenging to manage or other issues when permanent teeth erupt.

Primary tooth neglect can lead to a variety of issues. Children who had tooth decay in their primary teeth were shown to be more likely than those who had healthy primary teeth to experience tooth decay in their permanent teeth.

Given that tooth decay can occur at any age, maintaining good oral hygiene by brushing, flossing, and having baby teeth professionally cleaned is crucial for the development of healthy permanent teeth. Because of this, teaching newborns to practise proper dental hygiene early on can help safeguard their teeth for years to come.