What Is Cosmetic Dentistry and How Can it Benefit Your Oral Health?


Each patient's ideal smile is created through cosmetic dentistry using a combination of medical science and artistry. While cosmetic dentistry in your area primarily aims to improve your appearance, it also protects the wellbeing and functionality of your smile. At Roorkee Dental, we take pride in offering our patients a variety of cosmetic dentistry service options to help them achieve the smile of their dreams. Learn more about the advantages of aesthetic dentistry by reading on.

The Difference Between General and Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry uses a combination of restorative and cosmetic procedures to enhance your smile, while general dentistry focuses mostly on preventative dental care and restorative dental work, such as dental cleanings and exams, root canals, and dental fillings. In addition to giving you the smile of your dreams, many cosmetic dentistry procedures also guard against additional harm to teeth that are misaligned, discolored, chipped, or cracked.

Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

Cosmetic dentistry in Winnipeg can take many different shapes. The following procedures are some of the most frequently carried out in aesthetic dentistry:

  • Teeth whitening: With professional teeth whitening, it's simpler than ever to achieve the dazzling, white smile that so many people seek. Applying a high-quality whitening chemical to your teeth and activating it with a specialized light to thoroughly bleach them is how professional teeth whitening works.
  • Porcelain veneers: Porcelain veneers might help if your teeth have little chips, cracks, or stains on them. These tiny chips are positioned over the fronts of your teeth to hide these minor aesthetic flaws and give you a beautiful smile. By creating a barrier between your teeth and external microorganisms and pressures, veneers can also guard against additional decay and infection.
  • Dental crowns: A dental crown may be the best option if your tooth is significantly decayed or damaged. Dental crowns, which are essentially tooth-shaped caps, are created to fit precisely over a tooth that has been broken or decayed in order to restore both its beauty and function. The overall beauty of your smile is enhanced with dental crowns, which give your teeth additional support and protection.
  • Dental bonding: This technique performs a similar purpose to porcelain veneers, however it covers small cosmetic flaws and gives you a perfect smile using tooth-colored composite resin rather of hard porcelain chips. Additionally frequently used to fill cavities in the mouth and stop the spread of tooth decay is this composite substance.

As you can see, many dental operations not only improve your smile but also your entire health and good oral hygiene. Contact our dentist in your area right now if you're curious about which procedure would be ideal for you.

Visit Roorkee Dental Implant Center

Cosmetic dentistry has a plethora of advantages. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with our caring and talented Winnipeg dentist if you're curious to learn more about how cosmetic dentistry might help you. When deciding on the finest cosmetic dental procedure to meet your needs for oral health and smile objectives, our staff at Roorkee Dental Implant Center is delighted to consult with you. Please get in touch with us to schedule your initial consultation so you can start the process of changing your smile!





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